/* Document Ready Script */
document.ready = function( callback ) {
if( document.readyState != 'loading' ) {
else {
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', callback );
/* Automattically resize the iFrame */
var iFrame2C = {};
iFrame2C.rescale = function( iframe, format ) {
let formatWidth = parseInt( format.split(':')[0] );
let formatHeight = parseInt( format.split(':')[1] );
let formatRatio = formatHeight / formatWidth;
var iframeBounds = iframe.getBoundingClientRect();
let currentWidth = iframeBounds.width;
let newHeight = formatRatio * currentWidth;
iframe.style.height = Math.round( newHeight ) + "px";
/* Resize iFrame */
function iframeResize() {
var iframes = document.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[data-scaling="true"]' );
if( !!iframes.length ) {
for( var i=0; i < iframes.length; i++ ) {
let iframe = iframes[ i ];
let videoFormat = '16:9';
let is_data_format_existing = typeof iframe.getAttribute( 'data-format' ) !== "undefined";
if( is_data_format_existing ) {
let is_data_format_valid = iframe.getAttribute( 'data-format' ).includes( ':' );
if( is_data_format_valid ) {
videoFormat = iframe.getAttribute( 'data-format' );
iFrame2C.rescale( iframe, videoFormat );
/* Event Listener on Resize for iFrame-Resizing */
document.ready( function() {
window.addEventListener( "resize", function() {
/* Source-URLs */
data_type will be the value of the attribute "data-type" on element "video_trigger"
data_souce will be the value of the attribute "data-source" on element "video_trigger", which will be replaced on "{SOURCE}"
function get_source_url( data_type ) {
switch( data_type ) {
case "youtube":
return "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/{SOURCE}?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0&autoplay=1&mute=1";
case "google-maps":
return "https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb={SOURCE}";
case "open-street-maps":
return "https://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=9.966723918914797%2C53.53553810876703%2C10.008780956268312%2C53.54999732703292&layer=mapnik&marker=53.54276833527103%2C9.987752437591553";
/* Add your own sources here */
/* Always set "{SOURCE}" as placeholder for individual data from attribute "data-source" */
default: break;
/* 2-Click Solution */
document.ready( function() {
var video_wrapper = document.querySelectorAll( '.video_wrapper' );
if( !!video_wrapper.length ) {
for( var i=0; i < video_wrapper.length; i++ ) {
let _wrapper = video_wrapper[ i ];
var video_triggers = _wrapper.querySelectorAll( '.video_trigger' );
if( !!video_triggers.length ) {
for( var l=0; l < video_triggers.length; l++ ) {
var video_trigger = video_triggers[ l ];
var accept_buttons = video_trigger.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="button"]' );
if( !!accept_buttons.length ) {
for( var j=0; j < accept_buttons.length; j++ ) {
var accept_button = accept_buttons[ j ];
accept_button.addEventListener( "click", function() {
var _trigger = this.parentElement;
var data_type = _trigger.getAttribute( "data-type" );
var source = "";
_trigger.style.display = "none";
source = get_source_url( data_type );
var data_source = _trigger.getAttribute( 'data-source' );
source = source.replace( "{SOURCE}", data_source );
var video_layers = _trigger.parentElement.querySelectorAll( ".video_layer" );
if( !!video_layers.length ) {
for( var k=0; k < video_layers.length; k++ ) {
var video_layer = video_layers[ k ];
video_layer.style.display = "block";
video_layer.querySelector( "iframe" ).setAttribute( "src", source );
_wrapper.style.backgroundImage = "";
/*_wrapper.style.height = "auto";*/
var timeout = 100; // ms
setTimeout( function() {
}, timeout );
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Along with its subsidiaries, the H&R Group in Germany comprises a global network of refineries and specialty product plants.
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Would you like to build an exciting future? Then you’ve come to the right place. We are always looking for qualified, motivated employees.
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H&R Group
Am Sandtorkai 64
20457 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 432 18-0
Along with its subsidiaries, the H&R Group in Germany comprises a global network of refineries and specialty product plants.
to our locations
Would you like to build an exciting future? Then you’ve come to the right place. We are always looking for qualified, motivated employees.
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