Hansen & Rosenthal
GmbH & Co. KG
Based on experience spanning more than 75 years Hansen & Rosenthal offers a trendsetting product range of raw materials and semi-finished products specifically for the pharma-cosmetics industry. This experience has meant that the business has become a competent partner for many companies in the international pharma-cosmetics industry.
A variety of innovative products and services have resulted from this cooperation. In the area of medicinal white oils (paraffina liquida), petroleum jellies, emulsifiers as well as pharma-cosmetic bases Hansen & Rosenthal is the leading provider of special formulations for numerous branded products of the pharmaceutical and cosmetics manufacturers.
The Group entered the segment of qualified semi-finished products for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries with the development of a special oleogel under the trade name PIONIER PLW which was later even added to a German pharmacopoeia with the monograph 'Hydrophobes Basisgel DAC'. This high-quality gel dissolves other oleogels and petroleum jellies as soon as increased requirements are made of the compounds to be formulated. Thus, due to the special molecular structure of PIONIER PLW, a significantly faster drug release speed than is possible in petroleum jellies takes place; compounds can also be applied to injured or sensitive areas of the body without any pain whatsoever due to the lack of a yield point, unlike in petroleum jellies. A comprehensive range of emulsion foundation and emulsifier compounds have been developed on the basis of this product that are to be emulsified by adding water and without any heating up at all.
As a further result to be particularly emphasised, W/O formulations formulated in this way have an extreme temperature stability of up to 75 C° (tropical countries). The product range is today rounded off by a range of appropriate special products such as gelling agents, peelings, face/body washes and multi-functional oils. A particular focal point in this company area is formed by the production of the wool wax alcohol ointment DAB under the trade name PIONIER MAA which is today the most used W/O ointment foundation in the pharmaceuticals industry.
A final update took place with the inclusion of synthetic paraffin oils in the range. These special products are polymerised ultrapurely from ethene and, unlike the mineral oils, have a pure paraffinic character resulting in a correspondingly outstanding dermatological and toxicological tolerance. Such a polydecene is increasingly used in the cosmetics and foodstuffs industries under the trade name PIONIER 0030 SYN FG.
The hydrophobic base gel DAC can be produced without mineral oils in this way; this special version is offered under the name PIONIER GEL PAO. At the same time a mineral oil-free petroleum jelly was developed from polydecene.
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