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H&R KGaA welcomes the German Corporate Governance Code issued and regularly updated by the Government Commission. The Code not only establishes transparency for the legal framework governing company management and oversight in Germany for domestic and foreign investors, but also sets forth generally recognized standards for good and responsible corporate management. We view corporate governance as an ongoing process and will continue to closely follow future developments.

According to section 4.1.3. of the German Corporate Governance Code in its version of February 7, 2017, H&R KGaA discloses the basic features of its Compliance Management System: Presentation Compliance Management System

Trust and Communication
Come First

Corporate governance encompasses the corporate management and oversight tools designed to ensure a long-term increase in value. For listed companies, a good and transparent corporate governance system increases investors' confidence in the company's management and oversight.
For H&R GmbH & Co. KGaA, the following aspects are major pillars of good corporate governance:

  • 01

    Respecting shareholders interests and helping shareholders to exercise their rights

  • 02

    Constantly monitoring and increasing the effectiveness of the cooperation between the management team and the Supervisory Board

  • 03

    Implementing an open, transparent communication policy

The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board have adopted a Statement of Compliance with the Government Commission's German CG Code in accordance with Article 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act [AktG], in conjunction with Article 15 AktG.


In accordance with section 120a (4) sentence 1 AktG, the general meeting has to decide on the approval of the remuneration report, prepared and audited in accordance with section 162 AktG for the previous financial year.

The approved remuneration report of the H&R Group is listed in the following document.

2021: Remuneration Report Download



Since financial year 2017, our financial reporting has included disclosures on material, non-financial aspects of our business activities in areas involving environmental, employee and social concerns,
respect for human rights, and the fight against corruption.

The following section contains the non-financial Report.

2021: Non-financial Report

2020: Non-financial Report

2019: Non-financial Report

2018: Non-financial Report 


Securities transactions subject to reporting requirements (Directors' Dealings) under Article 19(1) of the Market Abuse Directive [Marktmissbrauchsverordnung]
Pursuant to Article 19(1) of the Market Abuse Directive, persons carrying out managerial responsibilities for an issuer, as well as persons closely related to them, must report every instance of self-dealing involving shares or debt instruments of the issuer (or financial instruments linked to them) both to the company and to the Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
H&R KGaA publishes notices of such self-dealing on this website in accordance with Article 19(1) of the Market Abuse Directive.

Voting rights

of Compliance

Statement of Compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code

Under Article 161 of the AktG, every year the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of a listed company must issue a statement as to whether the company has complied and is complying with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code and which recommendations were not applied or are not being applied, and why not.

Statement of Compliance 2024/2025Download
Statement of Compliance 2023/2024Download
Statement of Compliance 2022/2023Download
Statement of Compliance 2020/2021
(Update 5. March 2021)
Statement of Compliance 2020/2021Download
Statement of Compliance 2018/2019
(Update 31. July 2019)
Statement of Compliance 2018/2019Download
Statement of Compliance 2017/2018Download
Statement of Compliance 2016/2017Download

Statement of Compliance 2015/2016


Updated Statement of Compliance 2015

Statement of Compliance 2014/2015


Statement of Compliance 2013/2014Download
Statement of Compliance 2012/2013
(Update 27. March 2013)
Statement of Compliance 2012Download
Statement of Compliance 2011
(Update 5. April 2012)
Statement of Compliance 2011Download
Statement of Compliance 2010Download
Statement of Compliance 2009
(Update 25. March2010)
Statement of Compliance 2009Download
Statement of Compliance 2008Download
Statement of Compliance 2007Download
Statement of Compliance 2006Download
Statement of Compliance 2005Download
Statement of Compliance 2004Download
Statement of Compliance 2003Download
Statement of Compliance 2002Download

Articles of Association

For H&R GmbH & Co. KGaA, headquartered in Salzbergen, the following Articles of Association apply (only in german).
