Benelux B.V.
The product focus for H&R Benelux is Atactic Polypropylene (APP)-based bitumen modifiers, paraffin wax based emulsions and cable filling compounds.
The APP-based products are principally used in the production of bitumen based roofing membranes. Marketed under the brand name TECHNIPOL bitumen modifiers make the bitumen flexible, resistant to change in temperature and improve UV resistance.
Pure APP products are also available upon request.
Emulsions, marketed under the VIVALITE, VIVASTAR, and VIVASHIELD brand are produced by H&R Benelux in Nuth, the Netherlands. All products provide the special water resistant characteristics to the end product which are relevant to the application. The product ranges also contain new, bio or renewable products providing excellent funcionality which can be adapted to perform under customer specifications.
VIVASHIELD and VIVASTAR emulsions are used in the manufacture of wood-based panels, including particleboard, OSB, MDF/HDF and wood fibre insulation.
VIVASHIELD emulsions are used in the manufacture of insulation panels made from glass or rock wool.
VIVALITE emulsions are used in the manufacturing of water-resistant gypsum board.
Our emulsions can also be found in a number of specialised end use applications ranging from: the paper and packaging industry (coating and manufacturing), release agents, concrete curing and PVC latex for products where water resistance is required.
Within the cable filling compounds sector, we offer both water blocking technology for communication cables and dielectric compounds for energy cables.
In addition, the site has a pastillator unit for potential toll manufacturing.
Our R&D team regularly works alongside customers to provide specific solutions to application challenges.
This is enhanced through access to the H&R Group refineries, manufacturing and technical facilities allowing us to become a valuable partner to our customers.
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